Moonlite Sno Skimmers


Facebook: Moonlite Sno-Skimmers Snowmobile Club

Contact: Contact Form

Moonlite Sno Skimmers
P.O. Box 383
Cumberland, ME 04021

We are a 100% volunteer organization that has been around since 1973. Our goals are to keep this Club serving the communities of Cumberland and North Yarmouth. Our intent is to allow access to snowmobile trails through properly signing trails and continued outreach to local landowners. (We have no affiliation to any ATV Club.) We are always looking for new Members to assist with the work that needs to be done each year to prepare the trails. It takes a couple months of work to be able to snowmobile in our region (in a good year) six weeks or so. We have about a half dozen very active members and about a dozen members who participate with bi-monthly meetings. (Meetings at Toddy Brook every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7pm.)

Maine Snowmobile Laws