March has always had a reputation for big snow storms, and this year that is proving to be true. In the first two weeks of March, Wildcat Mountain in Pinkham Notch has seen over 46 inches of new snow. The majority of this new snow has fallen in two large Nor’Easter storms with one totaling 18 inches, and the second at 24 inches, just one week apart. To date, that accounts for one third of their seasonal snowfall total, which is currently at 160 inches for the season with over a month and a half to go. Wildcat will try to remain open until May. They are currently 100% open.

Spring time is also well known for big time parties and events at ski resorts. Wildcat Mountain is no different! Live entertainment continues to keep skiers entertained on Fridays and Saturdays in Wildcat Pub. This week, guests of Wildcat can find Pre-Saint Patrick’s Day lift ticket specials valid for Friday, March 16, and only available when purchased in advance online. On Saturday, search the mountain for the Pot-o-Gold and you could win a 2018/2019 Peak Season Pass. Beyond this weekend, look out for more events like the Cat Scratch Fever and the Pond Skim.

All of this new snow began arriving the day that Wildcat Mountain and Peak Resorts’ announced the sale of 2018/2019 Peak Season Passes. Skiers are able to opt into a Payment Plan prior to April 30 which allows them to put $99 down on next years pass, and begin using it immediately. The remainder of payments are billed automatically in four equal payments. Details for the Peak Pass can be found online at