Moonlight Riders


Email: [email protected]

Moonlight Riders
P.O. Box 126
Prospect, ME 04981

Back in the early 90’s, there were no legitimate snowmobile clubs or trails in the Madison County area. A group of individuals in the Morrisville area got together to see if they could form a snowmobile club and get some trails made. This effort at the time was completely independent of any other clubs or organizations. This really was a pioneering effort for the area, as the snowmobile club industry was yet in its infancy. Such individuals as Andy Olney and Roy “Woody” Woodcock convinced a handful of people to get active and get busy. They decided on the townships of Georgetown, Lebanon, Morrisville/Eaton, Smithfield, and Stockbridge/Munnsville. Eventually this intrepid group got permission from the landowners in the area, and began brushing and clearing trails, for about 100 miles of total mileage. The Moonlight Riders Snowmobile Club was thus born in 1993. There was no funding whatsoever for the clubs or trail systems.

Maine Snowmobile Laws